Happy Anniversary to Us!!

2020 has been….different. I don’t think any of us went into this year expecting the year that we have had; 2020 has certainly thrown us all for a loop. I know it’s been a long time since the last post and that’s okay. For a lot of us 2020 has been a year of survival and just trying to make it through from day to day. I never thought when I launched this thing last December, that 6 months in I’d hit blocks that I did; and while I found some ways to still try to connect through small snippets on Instagram and Facebook, it certainly wasn’t what I set out to do. Let’s face it though….it’s a lot easier to post a quick pic and a small caption than it is to sit down and force yourself to write something more involved and thoughtful.

I’ve been in the house since March —I didn’t jump on the baking bread bandwagon, though I did spend time baking when ingredients were available. I still spent time food and beverage porning on Instagram and by binge watching all the seasons of Great British Bake-Off for like the thousandth time. I did keep tasting wine and other adult beverages, but not always in a “thoughtful” way. I wasn’t always taking tasting notes or spending time analyzing colors, aromas, and flavor profiles. Sometimes I was just trying to be in the moment and enjoy a glass of wine and take a break from all of the stuff we were being inundated with every day.

I spent a lot of time in my feelings this year because there was ALWAYS something happening, something to process, something to question and try not to be overly exhausted when no answers presented themselves or when the answers were less than ideal. I discovered that I am MUCH more extroverted than I ever realized. I’ve been missing hugs, time with friends and family, sharing meals with people, energy to do the things I want and love to do, creativity, and much more. Not every day, but most days. Hence, why I’ve been MIA for 6 months. There was a lot of self-care happening and much of that involved being away from the internet and social media for chunks of time. While many of you were adapting to zoom classes and an inordinate amount of zoom meetings as you worked from home, I was discovering ways to connect with friends out of state thru zoom happy hours once a month.

2020 has been a unique cluster-fuck of circumstances, of gains and losses, and of unique opportunities for many of us to stop and reevaluate some things. Hopefully you’ve had some wins along side the losses this year. While I haven’t been 100% present in this project for a few months, I still think it important to express the gratitude I have for the opportunity to do this, to have platforms for expression, to have a food/beverage and hospitality community to connect with, to have people who are interested in the content I create (no matter how infrequent), for the following here on the blog, on Facebook, and on Instagram. I post this for our 1 year anniversary with hope in my heart for the coming year and the continued ability to share and connect with foodies, beverage curious people, and those aspiring to be both. Thank you for the love, support, follows, comments, and connection. Here’s to another year of great food and beverage adventures!


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